Spinal Erectors/Low Back
Why This Exercise: Many people neglect their posterior chain (muscles on the backside: gluts, hamstrings and lower back). This exercise will target all three and decrease your risk of lower back issues.
Target Muscles: Erector Spinae, Gluts
Pro Tips: Squeeze the medicine ball and lift your legs up until they are parallel to the ground. Do not hyperextend at the waist.
- Grasp the medicine ball between the lower leg and ankles
- Apply pressure throughout the set
- Place your hips against the end of the pad
- Hold on with both hands
- Lift your legs up until your legs are parallel to the floor
- Do not hyperextend at the waist and risk back issues
- Squeeze your gluts at the top
- Focus on firing your gluts, hamstrings and lower back
- Lower your legs over 2-3 seconds and repeat without pause
- If you have low back issues, decrease weight, range of motion or change exercise