A very difficult exercise because you can increase the resistance by extending the weight of the pulley. This will progressively overload the abs and also apply constant tension throughout the movement
- Position the bench so that it will allow constant tension throughout the range of motion
- Adjust the pulley height just above the level of the bench
- Attach a long strap to the pulley to place feet in
- Place both feet in the strap and allow the strap to go between the ankles
- Lie on your back and hold onto the bench above your head
- Keep your knees slightly bent and hold throughout the set
- Lift your legs until your hips lift off of the bench, ideally your knees will go above your eyes
- Lower your legs, until your heels go below your hips over 2-3 seconds
- You may lower your legs until they are parallel to the ground, but this increases back pressure
- Focus on feeling your abs and hip flexors not lower back. Adjust the range of motion, intensity, etc and if you still feel lower back, select another exercise